I am that lame. Yes, I am that girl who sits at home watching infomercials… and actually buys the stuff. Especially when it comes to “It will make you look 120 years younger” facial products. Example? I bought Meaningful Beauty by Cindy Crawford. I used it for about 6 months before admitting to myself, “I bet Cindy doesn’t even use this stuff!” So I dropped my subscription (oh yes! every three months they would send me more!) and went back to my plain old tub of Cetephil. I use Cetephil because several dermatologists have recommended it to me. But it’s just not sexy enough. It’s too cheap. It can’t be that good!
So imagine my excitement when my friend, Sarah Sommers, said she was selling Rodan and Fields ( www.ssommers.myrandf.com) and wanted me to try it. It’s the same company that developed Proactiv® Solution. And if that’s good enough for Jessica Simpson it’s certainly good enough for me! So here I go again. Switching up my facial regimen and trying something new. I’m so excited! I’ll let you know what I think in a few weeks. But between now and then, if you see a 22 year old anchoring the news, it’s just me!