TEDx Talk

On January 24th, 2014, I gave the talk of my life.  It was at TEDx University of Nevada.  The talk informs women about the dangers of dense breast tissue, and more importantly, what you can do if you have it.  40% of women have dense breast tissue and you have the right and the need to know this information.  Please watch my talk and pass it on to people you know and love.  Without grassroots movements like this, women will stay in the dark about this hidden danger.  Thank you for being a part of my mission to save women’s lives.  The video below my TEDx talk is my Mom’s Story.  Please watch that as well… maybe with a glass of wine!



About Wendy D

I was born in San Francisco and ended up marrying a rancher in Reno, Nevada. I have a big city job anchoring the 5 o’clock news but come home to the country where my husband’s family has ranched for 5 generations.


  1. Lillia says:

    Toward the end of your speech, you mentioned a sonosimi (I know I’m spelling it wrong) for dense breasts that can be done in addition to a mammogram for about $150.00. How do you spell that? I couldn’t get an internet search to turn anything up, probably because I butchered the word so horribly. Also, can the sonosimi be done at most places that do mammograms, such as Reno Diagnostic Center? Is a physician referral required for a sonosimi or can someone just make an appointment?

    Very informative speech. I’m so sorry about your mother.

    • Wendy D says:

      Hi Lillian,
      It’s called a SonoCine. It’s only available at Renown Breast Center. Saint Mary’s also has a ABUS (Automated Breast Ultra Sound) machine and supposedly this exam is covered by insurance. No physician referral is necessary for either exam. I’m so happy to hear you are taking care of your health!

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