Not everything about ranching happens outside, tromping around cow shit, cursing the storm that ruined an entire crop. Nope. Some things happen in the kitchen. Especially if you’re married to an Italian rancher like I happen to be. And this is what I came home to tonight. Darrin cooking up a storm… yes in his chefs hat. I’m kind of surprised he wasn’t in houndstooth pants, but he wasn’t. Anyway he’s making his family recipe spaghetti sauce. Spices are flying, the Cuisinart is whirling and onions are bringing him to tears. That’s tough to do. I once watched the guy accidentally stab himself in the leg while cutting the twine on hay bales. He just kept on working. The dude doesn’t break down… except apparently for onions. But check this out!! It’s a great Damonte spaghetti sauce secret!! Once all ingredients go into the pot, add a few pork chops… or even a small pork roast. It adds a little flavor to the sauce (I personally can’t pick it up but I’m Scottish, what do I know) but most importantly, it creates another meal. When the spaghetti sauce has cooked for about 3 hours, you take the pork chops out and… Waaahhhlaaaa!! Perfectly cooked meat for dinner tonight. Steam up some veggies and you are ready to go! Who knew cooking spaghetti sauce meant having pork for dinner!





  1. Sheila says:

    Wendy, I’ve never heard of adding pork to the sauce either. I’d love the recipe, do you think he would share?

    • Wendy D says:

      Hi Sheila!
      His recipe is crazy! it’s written for about 60 people so the portions are impossible to figure out. Darrin basically made it up by following his family outline. I would share, but it really doesn’t make much sense! Just get a good spaghetti recipe off one of the food websites, but add a pork roast! Sooo good!

  2. Peg Buckner says:

    Sounds amazing! I’ll have to try it!!! Really enjoy your blog!

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